Top 5 Most Filling Foods

*The order of these foods are unimportant

I think we can all agree that it is quite frustrating to be hungry again 30 minutes after eating. Certain foods can be more satisfying than others, which will result in you feeling fuller for longer and can prevent unnecessary snacking.

1) Oatmeal

Oatmeal is loaded with fiber and protein, but is also low in calories. It is best as a breakfast food and is usually more satisfying than a ready-to-eat breakfast cereal. There are many different ways to make oatmeal, and many different fruits to add in order to attain different flavours. Oatmeal also aids in weight loss.


Fish has a large amount of protein. Some studies show that fish has more protein than eggs and beef. Since foods high in protein are a very filling, fish is one of the main foods that tends to satisfy you.

3) Quinoa

Quinoa is a popular seed/grain. It is seen as a complete protein source because it provides all the essential amino acids. the amount of fiber and protein quinoa contains may cause you to feel fuller and more satisfied.

Try this simple recipe in the kitchen!

4)Boiled Potatoes

Boiled potatoes are high in carbs and moderate in fiber and protein. They also allow a smaller amount of calorie intake. potatoes also contain a type of protein called
proteinase inhibitor 2, which may suppress appetite.


Vegetables are know as high volume, low calorie foods. they contain high amounts of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and water, which causes you to feel fuller longer. Eating a salad before a meal may result in you feeling satisfied longer and a smaller calorie intake.

The Benefits of Lemon

The lemon is a species of small evergreen tree in the flowering plant family. This citrusy fruit has its very own fragrant and acidic juice. Lemons are loaded with vitamin C (1 cup of lemon juice is equal to 187% of the vitamin C you need each day). They also contain potassium, magnesium, folate, vitamin B6, and thiamine.


Lemon water

Lemon water is one of the most popular ways of consuming a lemon. Some benefits of lemon water are:

  • It aids in digestion- drinking lemon water in the morning jump starts the digestive system, which then allows you to digest food easily and helps to prevent the buildup of toxins
  • Its a good source of vitamin C- the recommended daily amount of vitamin C adults should consume is 65-90 milligrams, a lemon provides about 18.6 milligrams.
  • It freshens breath- lemons are known for getting rid of strong smells such as onions, garlic ect. Lemons stimulate the saliva and water prevents a dry mouth, which causes bacteria to build up.Bad breath can be avoided by drinking a glass of lemon water after a meal and in the morning.
  • It improves your skins quality- loss of moisture can promote wrinkles in the skin, however studies show that a citrus-based drink helps to aid the skin with vitamin C.
  • It supports weight loss-lemons contain poly-phenol antioxidants which significantly supports weight loss. research has shown that it is unclear if it is because of the lemon juice or simply because people tend to drink more water, causing them to feel full.
  • It helps prevent kidney stones- lemons contain citrate which makes urine less acidic and prevents/flushes out stones.
  • It promotes hydration- water is the main source of hydration. Adding lemon to your water enhances the flavour, which may encourage you to drink more.
lemon water

Another popular way of consuming a lemon is a lemon detox tea. There are many different versions of the detox, and many different recipes but its still proven to help you lose weight faster. Many people like drinking this in the morning instead of coffee ect.

Food in Dominican Republic

Dominican food is a dynamic mix of cultures. Lunch is the main meal of the day for Dominicans as well as most Hispanics. Their food is a combination of Spanish, Taino, and African cuisines. The national dish is La Bandera, which consists of rice, beans, stewed chicken, fried plantain, and salad.

La Bandera

This dish is mostly made at home, although it can be found in some restaurants. La Bandera is only one out of the many dishes the Dominican Republic has to offer. Some other MUST TRY foods are:

  • Mangu (mashed plantain)
  • Tostones (twice-fried plantain)
  • Habichuelas con Dulce (sweet cream of beans)
  • Arroz Blanco (white rice)
  • Ensalada Verde (green salad)
  • Sancocho (7- meat stew)

Habichuelas con Dulce

the Dominican Republic not only has amazing food, but also a unique variety of drinks. the most popular ones are Morir Sonado which is similar to orange juice, Mauby which is made primarily from tree bark, and mama Juana which is an indigenous drink that consists of rum, red wine, honey, tree bark, and herbs.

morir sonado
Mama Juana
Try having some fun in the kitchen and making this drink!