Food in Dominican Republic

Dominican food is a dynamic mix of cultures. Lunch is the main meal of the day for Dominicans as well as most Hispanics. Their food is a combination of Spanish, Taino, and African cuisines. The national dish is La Bandera, which consists of rice, beans, stewed chicken, fried plantain, and salad.

La Bandera

This dish is mostly made at home, although it can be found in some restaurants. La Bandera is only one out of the many dishes the Dominican Republic has to offer. Some other MUST TRY foods are:

  • Mangu (mashed plantain)
  • Tostones (twice-fried plantain)
  • Habichuelas con Dulce (sweet cream of beans)
  • Arroz Blanco (white rice)
  • Ensalada Verde (green salad)
  • Sancocho (7- meat stew)

Habichuelas con Dulce

the Dominican Republic not only has amazing food, but also a unique variety of drinks. the most popular ones are Morir Sonado which is similar to orange juice, Mauby which is made primarily from tree bark, and mama Juana which is an indigenous drink that consists of rum, red wine, honey, tree bark, and herbs.

morir sonado
Mama Juana
Try having some fun in the kitchen and making this drink!