Top 5 Most Filling Foods

*The order of these foods are unimportant

I think we can all agree that it is quite frustrating to be hungry again 30 minutes after eating. Certain foods can be more satisfying than others, which will result in you feeling fuller for longer and can prevent unnecessary snacking.

1) Oatmeal

Oatmeal is loaded with fiber and protein, but is also low in calories. It is best as a breakfast food and is usually more satisfying than a ready-to-eat breakfast cereal. There are many different ways to make oatmeal, and many different fruits to add in order to attain different flavours. Oatmeal also aids in weight loss.


Fish has a large amount of protein. Some studies show that fish has more protein than eggs and beef. Since foods high in protein are a very filling, fish is one of the main foods that tends to satisfy you.

3) Quinoa

Quinoa is a popular seed/grain. It is seen as a complete protein source because it provides all the essential amino acids. the amount of fiber and protein quinoa contains may cause you to feel fuller and more satisfied.

Try this simple recipe in the kitchen!

4)Boiled Potatoes

Boiled potatoes are high in carbs and moderate in fiber and protein. They also allow a smaller amount of calorie intake. potatoes also contain a type of protein called
proteinase inhibitor 2, which may suppress appetite.


Vegetables are know as high volume, low calorie foods. they contain high amounts of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and water, which causes you to feel fuller longer. Eating a salad before a meal may result in you feeling satisfied longer and a smaller calorie intake.